For large environment models, you can use environment scenes to easily navigate around a project.

Switch the scene type to “Environment”

In the inspector, use the dropdown menu to switch to “Environment.”

support - change to environment.png

Navigate around the scene (iPad AR and Quest)

1. If viewing on iPad, switch to AR mode

AR mode switch notion.png

2. Switch to the Teleport tool

On Quest, press the B button on the right controller or the Y button on the left controller.

support - select teleport.png

3. Use dollhouse mode to shrink the model

On Quest, press the A button on the right controller or the X button on the left controller.

4. Use the anchor to teleport to a part of the model

On Quest, press and hold the thumbstick on either controller to move the teleport anchor. Release the thumbstick to exit dollhouse mode.

support gifs_1.gif

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