**In this article, you’ll learn how to share and collaborate with other users on a PC, Mac, or iPad.

If you’re a Quest user go here to get started and learn how to use In-Room Collaboration.**

Collaborating with others

If you received a link to a Campfire project from a colleague, simply click on the link to open the Campfire app. Otherwise, open Campfire and go to the project and scene you are interested in viewing.

When others are active within a scene, you’ll see them represented by either a rectangle (if they’re using a PC, Mac, or iPad) or a generic head (if they’re using a Quest). You’ll also see their name under the rectangle or head, so you’ll know who’s in the scene and exactly what they’re looking at.

collab overview1.png

Presenter mode

Within a scene, one user at a time can be in Presenter mode. As presenter, you can switch scenes, and interact and manipulate the models with a range of tools. Typically, a presenter guides the design review presentation or training session and is the only one who can change scenes. If a user is a presenter, a yellow dot appears above them.

user list notion.png

<aside> 💡 There can only be one presenter at any time, although the role can be handed off to other users.


Collaboration tools

On the bottom right there’s a toolbar with basic communication and review tools. As the presenter you have access to a range of tools to guide the flow of the presentation.


Use the laser to point out parts of the model.

tool - laser.png

laser view.gif